Dargaard was founded by Tharen (Abigor, Amestigon, Heidenreich, Dominion III) in 1997.
The band was his opportunity to step away from his usual genre (Black Metal) and experiment with a different approach to express attitudes and feelings.
With Elisabeth Toriser (Abigor, Antichrisis, Dominion), who took over the vocal responsibilties in 1998, Dargaard was able to successfully complete the recording of theire debut Cd, "Eternity Rites", released by Napalm Records under the Draenor Productions banner in October 1998.
August the following has Dargaard back in the studio.
The follow up to "Eternity Rites" remains within Dargaard`s signature style and promise to prove once again their undeniable skill in creating superior melodies and atmosphere.
  "In Nomine Aeternitatis" was released on 06.03.2000.
June 2001 welcomed Dargaard's third recording effort, the "Dissolution of Eternity".
This CD has been described as having reached a milestone in innovative darkwave.
Dargaard's latest full length release, Rise and Fall, offers a magical sound experience characterized by impressive compositions.
Atmospheric, enigmatic Dark Wave melodies embedded in bombastic choirs and orchestral arrangements are transformed into impressive works of art by the by the bewitching voice of Elizabeth Toriser.
Follow Dargaard into their mystic and dismal world.
"Rise and Fall" was released in March 2004 and was featured in various magazines as album of the month.
Copyright by Dargaard

Label : Napalm Records
Anno pubblicazione : 2001
Valutazione :
Rarità :
Lista dei brani/Tracks list
1. As Old As The Bones Of The Earth
2. Thy Fleeing Time
3. A Path In The Dust
4. In The Omnipresence Of Death
5. My Phantasm Supreme
6. Night Before The Vastland Storms
7. Fires Dominion
8. The Isolated Vale
9. A Prophecy Of Mortality
10. Wanderer At The End Of Time
La recensione/The review
Elisabeth Toriser: vocals
Tharen: instrumentation, vocals
Italian Version
Austriaci di Mistelbach, il tastierista Tharen (Rune) (Abigor, Amestigon, Heidenreich, Dominion III) e l’eterea cantante Elisabeth Toriser (Abigor, Antichrisis, Dominion III), fondano i Dargaard, a mio modesto parere il gruppo più innovativo nel panorama “neo-classical/darkwave” degli anni 00’s.
Con il capolavoro The Dissolution Of Eternity , l’ultimo capitolo sulla trilogia dell’eternità, il loro progetto è completamente definito, marciando sempre nella direzione di ballate gotiche e dark.
Il nuovo disco è un'altro successo, che ribadisce la popolarità del duo, che si mantiene rarefatto, impalpabile, imbastendo un lavoro dal fascino assoluto.
Definita dunque è anche la dimensione eterea, sottolineata dalla voce sublime di Elisabeth "The Most Beautiful Dark/Voice" Toriser (sorretta da un’ampia rete strumentale raffinata, gestita con grande maestria), intenta a creare affreschi melodici e medievali in una terra di oscurità.
La voce di Elisabeth è nobile ed ebbra di pathos e brani come Thy Fleeing Time, My Phantasm Supreme, The Isolated Vale e A Prophecy Of Mortality, si fissano nella memoria per non uscirne più.
Da segnalare anche la strumentale Night Before The Vastland Storms, proiettata verso mondi plumbei, complici i decisi, quanto solenni interventi delle titaniche campane tubolari.
Con quest’album i Dargaard assurgono al rango di maestri di un sound colto ed etereo ad un tempo, caratteristiche queste che avranno poi modo di far maturare nel successivo album Rise and Fall.
English Version
Austrians of Mistelbach, keyboardist Tharen (Rune) (Abigor, Amestigon, Heidenreich, Dominion III) and the ethereal singer Elisabeth Toriser (Abigor, Antichrisis, Dominion III), found the group Dargaard, in my humble opinion, the most innovative group in scanning "neo-classical/darkwave" of the 00’s.
With the masterpiece The Dissolution Of Eternity, the last chapter on the trilogy of eternity, the project is fully defined, always marching in the direction of dark and gothic ballads.
The new disc is another success, which reiterates the popularity of the duo, that remains rarefied, impalpable, basting a work of absolute charm.
Defined so is also the ethereal dimension, emphasized by the sublime voice of Elisabeth "The Most Beautiful Dark / Voice" Toriser (supported by a wide refined instrumental network, managed with great skill), aims to create melodic and medieval frescoes in a land of darkness.
The voice of Elisabeth is noble and drunk with pathos and songs as Thy Fleeing Time, My Phantasm Supreme, The Isolated Vale and A Prophecy Of Mortality, it set in the mind not to get out more.
Of note also the instrumental track Night Before The Storms Vastland, projected to leaden worlds, accomplice the decided, as solemn speeches of titanic tubular bells.
With this album the Dargaard rise to the rank of master of a cultured and ethereal sound at the same time, characteristics, which will then mature way to the next album Rise and Fall.
Demetrio Cutrupi